Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Like Kerouac  -
into the black star-studded night was her pleasure,
full measure of The Golden Eternity to taste;
to sup the cup; to unravel the tangle of being;
to unravel this riddle that gripped her gentle soul like a shadow.

She was a Baccante:  ‘drinks for all!’
She was Magdalene among the butt-strewn alleyways of time.
She was anarchic jazz in the midst of strict measure.

But, suddenly the light thickened (as once for the blackbird on my window cill:
the un-guessed element freezing her flight).
She struggled with its numbness (I was told);
struggled  -  spirit with rag of body  -  to counter death’s weight (I was told).
But I know, it was always the thought of heaven made her shiver most.

a string breaks
her song stops:
'don't think twice...'

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