Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Her needles are quiet now, a silence has come over her  -
what dream or nightmare dances in the hearth’s flames: his childhood,
his youth, or finally, him lying open-mouthed , eyes staring, riveted to the ground?

The clock ticks (drip of his blood).

He is always there in every reverie: a boy running, already
crippled from the blast, running, running, until a red star smashes through his forehead
(she’s stretched forward at this, gasping: ‘barley’ ‘barley’ but no, not in this game.)

The clock strikes;
suddenly she’s out of it, asking:
‘where’s time gone?’
‘A dinner to make!'

…soldiers’ shadows
across his
staring eyes

                                                                                        Note:  barley: a truce term

1 comment:

Gerald (SK14) said...

Great one, John, a lovely haibun.