The building broods.
Windows scowl.
Every stone sits uneasily on its mortar,
willing itself away - to be crushed to dust, then blown by the winds out to sea; there to sink back into the ocean, to forget that they were ever a part of the evolutionary road that led to such beasts!
out from his grave
horrendous thistles:
grave of the torturer
Liked the brooding and scowling!
__Your haibun... may seem the metaphor, as we look back on our lives... so often with self- critical disapproval.
__Stricking, John.
this stone
loosened in its mortar
moss grows
Hi John
I have just discovered your haibun blog. Hurrah! Very much looking forward to reading future posts.
I can't leave comments on zen speug, by the way. See distant lightning for a link to the answer - it's to do with your blogger settings.
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